Fishing Rodeo Rules
Fishing Time: 6:00am-4:00pm
The Scales will open at 2:00 pm and participants must be in weigh-in line by 4:00pm
Weigh-In will be at the Morgan City Auditorium
All rules stated below will remain unchanged. Tournament Director is final authority at weigh-in
ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES & DRUGS: Consumption of alcoholic beverages and/or drugs within fishing hours is strictly prohibited and subjected to disqualification.
TEAMS – As per legal personal limit of boat.
Redfish: A maximum of (3) fish per team will be weighed. (2) redfish must be 16” – 27” and only one over 27” – 31” in length.
Bass: A maximum of (5) fish per team (12” minimum) will be weighed. Any bass fish must be alive. Dead bass will be penalized 1/4 LB. each.
Catfish: A maximum of (1) big fish per team will be weighed. There is no size limit on catfish.
Speckled Trout: A maximum of (5) fish per team will be weighed. (12” minimum).
Mike Michel Trash Fish: A maximum of (1) big fish per team will be weighed. There is no size limit on trash fish (Drum, Gasper goo, Flounder, Lemon fish, Garfish, etc.…).
TIES: Two teams having the exact weight will have the tie broken as follows: largest fish, number of fish, if still a tie, flip a coin. Tie for big fish will be divided.
PROTEST: MUST be filed & presented to Tournament Director in writing within 30 minutes after the scales are officially closed and must provide undisputed evidence.
SAFETY: During the tournament hours, life vests must be worn and fastened when the main engine is running, and the kill switch must be engaged by the driver. Fisherman will comply with all U.S.C.G. and LA Wildlife and Fisheries regulations.
BIG REDFISH: Only (1) big redfish paid per winning team.
BIG BASS: Only (1) big bass paid per winning team.
BIG SPECKLED TROUT: Only (1) big speckled trout paid per winning team.
PERMITTED FISHING WATERS: Only those waters that are open to the public will be allowed. All waters including private ponds, canals and marsh that is not open to the public is off limits. You cannot cross private waters of any kind to gain access to a fishing area. All fish must be caught on Rod & Reel.
RESTRICTED WATERCRAFT: No Air Boats, MUD Boats, Jet Drives, Surface Drives, or Air-cooled Engines will be allowed.